The World Council for Law Firms and Justice e.V. (WCLF) hosted the annual Tax and Intellectual Property Conference “5. WCLFrankfurter Tax/IP Gespräche” on 13 September 2019 at the ILF. The main topics involved Blockchain and Taxes, Digital Tax Strategies as Innovation Engines, DigiTax, Digital Permanent Establishment, Liability, IP and Digital Business: Intersections, Digital Business Models, Digitalization and Industry 4.0, Internet Portal Providers: Risks and Innovations, OECD’s Point of View on Digitalization and Taxations Links in the Age of Digitalization.
Leading experts from academia and industry (e.g. PwC, EY, Eversheds Sutherland, ING-DiBa, CryptoTax, Mayer Brown and Osborne Clarke) held presentations and chaired the workshops. During lunch and the coffee breaks, the participants could mingle and network and exchange their views on the topics presented at both the main auditorium and in the workshops.