Episode 6 of the ILF Deal Makers Podcast series: Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism in the digital era: objectives and challenges in a constantly evolving financial sector

In our latest episode of The Deal Makers Podcast, we delve into the ongoing battle against money laundering. Despite legislative strides to combat financial crimes, regulators face a significant hurdle: adapting to the ever-changing financial landscape, especially with the advancement of crypto-assets and DLT technologies. However, promising legislative initiatives such as MiCAR and regulations on information accompanying transfers signal proactive efforts to confront these challenges head-on. Join us as we explore these developments with our expert guests, Dr. Manuel Lorenz, LL.M., from Baker McKenzie, and Eirini Rafa, ILF Alumna.

Tune in to stay informed about the latest anti-money laundering advancements.


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