The Institute for Law and Finance in cooperation with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and the Center of Financial Studies hosted the 6th Annual Conference on the Banking Union on 21 May 2019 with leading experts from the financial sector such as the European Central Bank, the Single Resolution Board, Deutsche Bundesbank, Credit Suisse Bank, McKinsey & Company and academia.
The welcoming remarks to the 6th Annual Conference on the Banking Union were made by Professor Dr. Andreas Cahn, Executive Director of the Institute for Law and Finance.
The first part of the conference on "Overlapping responsibilities of authorities within the Banking Union" started with a presentation on "Modern banking supervision – Leveraging technology to control new risks" held by Pentti Hakkarainen, Member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank, followed by a Q&A session. The next presentation was delivered by Dr. Elke König, Chair of the Single Resolution Board, who spoke about "Resolution without borders: progress and challenges". The third lecture "Fragmentation and overlaps in banking supervision – The perspective of a globally operating bank" was presented by Saumya Bhavsar, Global Head of Regulatory Affairs of Credit Suisse Bank.
The panel discussion which followed was chaired by Christos Gortsos, Professor of Public Economic Law at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and consisted of the former speakers, Prof. Dr. Elke Gurlit, Professor of Public Law, Comparative Law and European Law of University of Mainz, and co-host Dr. Markus Benzing, Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.
After a lunch break, Prof. Dr. Joachim Wuermeling, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, initiated the second part of the conference on "The digital revolution and supervision" with his presentation "How to hit a moving target – The impact of digitalization on the banking sector and supervision".
Subsequently, Dr. Alexander Glos, Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, talked about "FinTech regulation for banks – Between rock and a hard place?". His speech was followed by a second panel discussion involving questions raised by the audience. The panel discussion was chaired by Henning Soller, Partner of McKinsey & Company, and consisted of the speakers of the second part as well as Tamaz Georgadze, CEO of Raisin GmbH and Sandra Kumhofer, Director Regulator of FinLeap GmbH.
The conference was closed by a reception held for all speakers and participants. About 150 participants attended 6th Annual Conference on the Banking Union.