On 30 October 2020, the annual meetings of the ILF Board of Trustees and the ILF Donors' Committee were held virtually for the first time. The chairman of both boards, Dr. Hendrik Haag, Partner, Hengeler Mueller, opened the meetings and welcomed the participants representing Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, the European Central Bank, international law firms, commercial and investment banks, financial funds and consultancies.
Two new members were elected by the Board of Trustees to join the ILF Donors' Committee, namely Dr. Olaf Meisen, Partner, Allen & Overy, and Ms. Andrea van Almsick, Head of Legal Germany, Fidelity International - FIL Investment Services GmbH.
The board members of the ILF regularly convene once a year and strongly support the ILF in defining and achieving its objectives. At the meeting on 30 October 2020, the board members reviewed the performance of ILF management and staff in the year 2020 and discussed important strategic issues for the future. Prof. Dr. Andreas Cahn and Prof. Dr. Manfred Wandt, both Executive Board Members of the ILF, as well as Dr. Rolf Friedewald, Managing Director, described the past academic, operational and financial developments at the ILF and reported on the education, conferences and events during the extraordinary Summer Semester 2020.
They gave an outlook for the upcoming, so-called "Hybrid Semester" at the ILF in Winter Semester 2020/2021. The members of the Board of Trustees and the Donors' Committee were impressed by the successful organization and completion of the Summer Semester in challenging times by the ILF Team and especially with regard to the preparation and conduct of online classes on very short notice by the ILF lecturers and staff. They thanked everyone who contibuted to this success, the students of the ILF Class of 2020, lecturers and staff, for their extraordinary, highly motivated and special efforts to reach the academic goals under the given circumstances!