“Börse, Crypto Assets und KI - alte und neue rechtliche Fragen im regulatorischen und technologischen Wandel“ with Deutsche Börse held on 16 September 2024

On 16 September 2024, the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF), together with its long-standing sponsor and cooperation partner Deutsche Börse AG, held the conference “Börse, Crypto Assets und KI – alte und neue rechtliche Fragen im regulatorischen und technologischen Wandel” on the impact of regulatory and technological changes crypto assets and AI has on the work of stock exchanges.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Cahn, Executive Director of the ILF, and Ms. Bettina Kramer-Braun, General Counsel, Deutsche Börse AG, opened the conference by delivering welcoming remarks and an introduction to the conference topics.

Subsequently the following presentations were held by leading experts from academia and industry:

  • "Die neue Vorschrift in § 310 Abs. 1 a S. 2 Nr. 6 BGB und die Börse - Regulierung geglückt?"               
    Prof. Dr. Horst Hammen (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen und Research Fellow, ILF)
  • "Regulierung von Crypto Assets unter MicA-Verordnung"           
    Mr. Rainer Gallei (Head of Unit - Group Legal, Deutsche Börse AG) und Dr. Monir Taik (Head of Unit - Group Legal, Deutsche Börse AG)
  • "KI und Business Judgment Rule"           
    Prof. Dr. Katja Langenbucher (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Each speech was followed by an Q&A session where participants could share their views and questions on the topics presented as well as engage in discussions with the speakers.

The conference concluded with some closing remarks by Prof. Dr. Horst Hammen and the evening culminated with a get-together by all present.