The ILF and the European Society for Banking and Financial Law (AEDBF) hosted a conference on resolution mechanisms with a special focus on "Bail in – its concept, scope and practical challenges" on 18 September 2014 at the House of Finance.
Mr. Klaus Löber (Bank for International Settlements) welcomed more than 90 conference attendees.
Prof. Michel Tison (Ghen University) chaired the first panel on institutional environment of resolution mechanisms. The speakers were Adam Ketessidis (BaFin) and Dr. Eva Hüpkes (Financial Stability Board).
The second panel on resolution tools with a focus on bail-in was chaired by Dr. Sven Schelo (Linklaters LLP) and consisted of three panelists: Holger Hartenfels (Deutsche Bank), Andreas Dielehner (KPMG) and Prof. Dr. Tobias Tröger, LL.M. (Goethe University). The conference was closed by a discussion and was then followed by a reception.
The following link leads to the conference materials of the second panel:
<link uploads media seminar_on_bail_in_panel_ii.pdf>