On 11 April 2013, Prof. Dr. Stefan Braum, Dean and Professor of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Luxembourg was present at the ILF to give a talk on "Krise des Finanzsystems - das Strafrecht als Nothelfer?". Prof. Dr. Braum is a well-known expert in the field of European Economic and Financial Criminal Law. Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Theodor Baums, ILF Director and Prof. Dr. Cornelius Prittwitz, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Goethe University gave the welcome speeches at the event.
Prof. Dr. Braum spoke about the fundamentals of the European as well as German criminal law in consideration of the recent experiences gained during the financial crisis. Subsequent to the lecture, there was a discussion amongst the participants chaired by Prof. Dr. Prittwitz on the practical applications of financial criminal law in Germany.