The Institute for Law and Finance is pleased to present the newly published LL.M. International Finance 5-Years Book in celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the Master of Laws in International Banking, Securities and Finance program which commenced in October 2014.
Over the past five years, we, at the Institute for Law and Finance, have been delighted to oversee the growth of our second LL.M. program, Masters of Laws in International Banking, Securities and Finance (LL.M. International Finance) which has developed into an exceptional program for Asian students.
Our goal and mission plan for this LL.M. program has been simple: to provide the highest standard of education and opportunities for international students graduating from Asian countries. The ILF has historic and close ties with many universities across this region and we welcome a diverse and eager group of students year on year to continue their education in law and finance at the ILF.
With the achievement of the 5-year milestone of this program, we welcome you to celebrate, reminisce and look to the future with us. This book commemorates the uniqueness of the course, the dedication of our lecturers, staff and sponsors and our growing LL.M. International Finance alumni.
We thank all our board members, lecturers, sponsors and friends for giving us their strong support and ensuring that the program develops and grows on a continual basis. Wherever our students’ careers take them, we are proud of their achievements during their time at the ILF and wish them every success on their journeys.
We would like to express our special thanks to all authors for contributing their articles for this publication.