On 21 April 2016, the Association of Corporate Counsel Europe (ACC), the Corporate and Business Law Committee of AmCham Germany and the online news publishers Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel und Business Law held their Spring Reception at the ILF in the Casino Building of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
Dr. Rolf Friedewald, Managing Director of the ILF welcomed the 50 participants and introduced the ILF and its academic programs to the general and legal counsels. Mr. Carsten Lüers, General Counsel of Verizon Germany, Dr. Hanss Christoph Siebold, Corporate and Business Law Committee AmCham Germany and Member of the Executive Board of Morgan Stanley Bank AG, and Professor Dr. Thomas Wegerich, editor of Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel/Business Law Magazine, opened the meeting and greeted the members of their respective associations.
As the key note speaker, Dr. Bruno Mascello, LL.M., Attorney at Law, EMBA HSG, Associate Director of the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law (ES-HSG), University Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, talked about marketing-related issues relevant to the corporate counsels ("Neue Erfolgsformel: Syndikus = A + R + M + S" (Anwalt + Risikomanager + Manager + Stratege”). The following Q&A session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Wegerich. After the discussion, the participants gathered on the balcony of the Casino to network and to enjoy the sunny evening at a get-together with snacks and drinks.