Visit of Colombian Students from Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt

A delegation of 13 Colombian students from Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia, visited the ILF on 6 and 7 May 2013. The students were received by Managing Director Dr. Rolf Friedewald and Program and Marketing Manager Ms. Shen-Dee Kobbelt. They were given an introduction to the workings of the ILF and listed to a presentation on the postgraduate programs offered at the ILF. Our Columbian alumni, Ms. Adriana Luz Perez and Ms. Angela Campana were also present to welcome the visitors who were especially interested in finding out more about the LL.M. Finance program.

After a tour of the House of Finance, they also met Dr. Susanna Pelster, Managing Director of the Law Faculty of Goethe University at the RuW Buiilding on Campus Westend.

During their 2-day visit, they also had the opportunity to attend a talk held at the Deutsche Bundesbank and to visit the Money Museum as well as the German Stock Exchange. Last but not least, a highlight of their 2-day program was the visit to the office of an ILF sponsor, the law firm FPS Rechtsanwälte & Notare where they listened to a lecture given by the managing partner of the Frankfurt office of the law firm, Dr. Robin L. Fritz.