Visit of Prof. Hwei-Syin Chen from National Chengchi University, Taiwan

On 1 July 2016, the ILF received the visit of Prof. Hwei-Syin Chen from the College of Law, National Chengchi University (in short NCCU), Taiwan. Prof. Hwei-Syin Chen was accompanied by Mr. Christopher Hsu, Alumnus of NCCU and Doctoral Candidate in the Law and Economics of Money and Finance, House of Finance.

Prof. Chen and Mr. Hsu were cordially welcomed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Cahn, ILF Executive Director, Dr. Rolf Friedewald, ILF Mananging Director and Ms. Chongxiang Chen, Admissions and Marketing Manager.

Following the ILF’s last visit to NCCU in March 2016, Prof. Chen and Prof. Cahn continued the discussions regarding possible future cooperation with respect to the LL.M. International Finance program.