Visit of Prof. Shenkuo Wu, Beijing Normal University, at the ILF on 10 July 2018

Prof. Shenkuo Wu, Beijing Normal University, Law School & College for Criminal Law Science, China, was welcomed at the ILF on 10 July 2018 by Dr. Rolf Friedewald and Ms. Xiaojing (Cindy) Zhang. Prof. Wu is a leading expert on Chinese cybersecurity law, data protection and the law of cybercrime. He acts as a senior consultant of the United Nations as well as of the Supreme People´s Court of the People´s Republic of China. Prof. Wu also heads the Research Centre of Internet Society of China.

Dr. Friedewald introduced the activities and Master's programs of the ILF of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, and especially spoke about the LL.M. in International Banking, Securities and Finance for Asian students. Dr. Friedewald and Ms. Zhang reported on the recent ILF Conference on the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Chines Cybersecurity Law "Two Digital Worlds – Data Protection and Data Security in Europe and China" held on 4 June 2018.