Die Handlungsfreiheit des Unternehmers

Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven, strafrechtliche und ethische Schranken

The Entrepreneur's Freedom of Action. Economic perspectives, criminal law and ethical restraints

Edited by: Eberhard Kempf, Klaus Lüderssen and Klaus Volk

About this book

This conference transcript discusses the far-reaching and intense controversies surrounding current company law and economic matters affecting the fundamental questions of the State economic constitution and aims to re-evaluate the significance of the state regulations. Legally, the goal includes further reforms of company law, continuance of the rules of corporate governance and also, new interpretations of relevant constitutional law regulations. Organizationally, the field of focus is the economic surveillance by government bodies and the establishment or further development of compliance department in companies.

Author information

Martin Böse, Universität Bonn; Andreas Cahn, Institute for Law and Finance, Frankfurt am Main; Wolfgang Clement, Bundeswirtschaftsminister a.D., Bonn; Rainer Hamm, Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt am Main; Winfried Hassemer, Vizepräsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts a.D., Universität Frankfurt am Main; Ulrich Hermann, Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, Köln; Eberhard Kempf, Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt am Main; Thomas C. Knierim, Rechtsanwalt, Mainz; Klaus Lüderssen , Universität Frankfurt am Main; Klaus-Peter Müller, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main; Cornelius Nestler, Universität zu Köln; Ingo Pies, Universität Halle-Wittenberg; Cornelius Prittwitz, Universität Frankfurt am Main; Petra Roth, Rathaus, Frankfurt am Main; Franz Salditt, Rechtsanwalt, Neuwied; Wolf Schiller, Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt am Main; Reinhard Schmidt, Universität Frankfurt am Main; Hendrik Schneider, Universität Leipzig; Cornelius Trendelenburg, Universität Frankfurt am Main;  Dirk Uwer, Rechtsanwalt, Kanzlei Hengeler Müller, Düsseldorf; Klaus Volk, Universität München.

Volume 6 in the ILF Book Series
Publisher: De Gruyter


Published: December 22, 2009

ISBN: 9783899496659


Published:   October 16, 2009

ISBN: 9783899496314