Derya Baslamışlı Güvenir - September 2017 to September 2018

Derya Baslamışlı Güvenir specialises in Commercial Law and Corporate Law. As a Visiting Scholar, Derya Güvenir conducted research on German Corporate Law, especially on the Legal Restructuring Measures to be taken in Companies in Case of Capital Loss and Over-indebtedness (Kapitalverlust und Überschuldung). Mrs. Güvenir holds an LLB (2008) and LLM (2013) degrees from University of Bahcesehir, Istanbul, Turkey. Between 2009-2016, she worked as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Bahcesehir. Recently she is a PhD candidate at Istanbul University and a research and teaching assistant to Prof. Dr. Huriye Kubilay at Izmir University of Economics, Turkey.
Prof. Teruhiko Harada - August & September 2016, 2017 and 2018, August 2015, July 2014 and 2011/12

Prof. Teruhiko Harada joined the faculty of Kansai University, Japan, as a professor of policy studies in 2007. He worked in the Development Bank of Japan from 1979 to 2007. He specializes in banking law and finance and is a member of the Japan Society of Logistics and Shipping Economics. As an academic, he continues to keep close contact with banks, insurance companies and credit rating agencies. Prof. Harada has published several articles in his field of research on development policies of countries in South East Asia. Prof. Harada focused his research on German banking law, in particular. its role within Euro system.
Damla Songur - August 2017

Damla Songur has been an academician at Faculty of Law, Atilim University since 2011 and has been delivering lectures as an instructor since 2015. Ms. Songur has specialized in company law, capital markets law, competition law and gender studies. She also published articles in her field of research. Ms. Songur holds an LL.M in Commercial Law from Ankara University (2012) and an LL.B. from Ankara University (2009). She was studying as a trainee at Büdel Law Office in Frankfurt in September 2013. She is currently a PhD candidate at Ankara University. Her focus of PhD research is on Company Law, especially protection of shareholders in joint stock companies. She is intending to visit the ILF for the purpose of researching on the transactions on substantial amounts of assets in joint stock companies under Turkish and German Law.
Prof. Junko Ueda - Dec 2016, Spring/Summer 2015, Spring/Summer 2014

Prof. Junko Ueda taught at several universities in both Japan and other countries before she joined Kyushu University Faculty of Law in 2010. She is currently Professor of Corporate Law and her focus of research has been on a comparison of Japanese company law with the UK and other European counterparts, as well as the international harmonisation of company law modeled on EU company law. While having abundant teaching experiences both in Japanese and English, she has written on comparative corporate law issues ranging from domestic European company law to regulatory competition at the EU level. She is actively involved in promoting EU studies in the whole Kyushu area and would like to contribute to increasing academic activities focusing on the EU not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world.
During her stay at the ILF, she conducted research on corporate mobility as a fundamental right in the EU, particularly from the German perspective and some German corporate law issues from a comparative perspective. She is a member of many academic associations including the Japan Association of Private Law and the European Union Studies Association-Japan.
Prof. Manjoo Han - July to August 2015

Prof. Manjoo Han gained his PhD with a thesis entitled “A Study on the Regulation of Resale Price Maintenance in Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act” in 1989. Since 1991 he has been working as Professor of Law at his alma mater Kangwon National University, South Korea where he teaches and conducts research on Monopoly Regulation Law, Fair Trading Law, Consumer Protection Law, Environmental responsibility of corporation, Insurance Law and Maritime Law. In addition he served from 2000 to 2002 as Dean of the Law School, from 2002 to 2004 and from 2006 to 2008 as Director of the Institute of Legal Studies at Kangwon National University. Furthermore Prof. Han is a member of the Korea Fair Trade Commission antitrust jury since 2013.
He has been a Visiting Scholar at AIW Institute, Goethe University, Frankfurt (1990-1991), a Research Professor at Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University, Bonn (1998-1999), a Visiting Scholar at Kyushu University, Japan (1999-2000), a Visiting Research Professor at Wikato University, New Zealand (2005-2006) and a Visiting Research Professor at Christian Albrechts University, Kiel (2012-2013). At the ILF, Prof. Han focuses his research on the topics “Recent Anti-Trust Regulation in EU” and “Environmental responsibility of corporation and Implementation of the EU environmental liability directive in Germany”.
Semih Sırrı Özdemir - July to December 2015

Semih Sırrı Özdemir specializes in corporate law, capital markets law and commercial arbitration law. His research during the stay at ILF as a visiting scholar focuses on the subject of business judgment rule and its effects to directors’ liabilities. Mr. Özdemir holds an LL.B. from Bilkent University (2009), an LL.M in corporate law from London School of Economics (LSE) (2011) and an LL.M in commercial law from Gazi University (2012). He is a research assistant at the Faculty of Law, Hacettepe University and a PhD candidate at Ankara University. Mr. Özdemir is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a recipient of Jean Monnet Scholarship (2010) and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey’s Scholarship for PhD Studies (2012).
Assistant Prof. Dr. Hülya Çoştan - July to September 2015

Dr. Hülya Çoştan is Assistant Professor at Ankara University. She gained her PhD (2008) in Commercial Law from Ankara University Faculty of Law, her MBA (2003) from Ankara University Faculty of Law, and her BS (2000) in Law from Ankara University. She has been a Visiting Scholar and exchange student at Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (01.10.2005-30.07.2006), a Visiting Scholar at Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (01.08.2006-01.10.2006; 01.08.2008-01.10.2008; 01.05.2011-01.10.2011) and at University of Graz (15.02.2008-01.05.2008). Dr. Çoştan has taught courses and focused her research on Commercial Law, Company Law, Comparative Private Law, Negotiable Instruments Law. She also published books and articles in her field of research. During her stay as Visiting Scholar at the ILF, she conducted research on German Company Law, especially “Konzernrecht”.
Associate Prof. Andressa Guimarães Torquato Fernandes - June to August 2015

Andressa Guimarães Torquato Fernandes is currently Associate Professor at Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil teaching Theory of State, Public Finance Law and Tax Law and worked from 2009 to 2012 as Assistant Professor at the University of São Paulo teaching Fiscal Law. She received her PhD in Public Finance and Tax Law applied to the petroleum industry from University of São Paulo in 2013 and her B.A. in Law from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte State in 2008.
She has been a Researcher at the Center of Fiscal Studies of Getulio Vargas Foundation São Paulo from 2011 to 2012 and a Visiting Researcher at University of Dundee, Center for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, Scotland, United Kingdom in 2012. Furthermore she has published books and articles and held numerous guest lectures in her field of research.
Prof. Claudia Dias Soares - July to August 2014

During her stay at the ILF, Claudia Dias Soares was Professor of Tax Law at Portuguese Catholic University and a qualified lawyer of the Portuguese Bar Association. In July 2014, she visited the ILF for the purpose of researching on the interaction between banking regulation and taxation. She is currently co-authoring "A Guide to Bank Regulation in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis", with José Filipe Abreu and R. Pinto for the Business Expert Press (New York, USA).
She has served as an expert in high-level groups set-up by international organizations such as the European Commission and the European Environmental Agency, and has worked on several occasions for the Institute for European Environmental Policy and the Malta Legal Forum. Claudia has taken part in numerous European research projects and legislative processes related to regulation and tax reforms in Portugal, where she has been a member of various ministerial commissions. In 2014, she acted as an invited expert for the European Semester (European Union).
In addition to taking up teaching duties in European institutions as an invited scholar, Claudia regularly publishes on tax law and regulation and is a member of the editorial boards of diverse law journals as well as the scientific committee of the Portuguese Tax Association.
Dr. Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht - May to Oct 2012

Dr. Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht specialises in civil and banking law, procedural law, comparative law and legal history. During her stay as Visiting Scholar at the ILF from May to October 2012, she conducted research on the German banking law, in particular, its doctrine on the current account ("Kontokorrent"). Her research abroad is financed by a fellowship for advanced researchers of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).
Dr. Zellweger-Gutknecht studied law at the Faculty of Law, University of Berne, Switzerland (licentiataiuris 2001, doctor iuris 2007). From 2001-2006, she worked as a research and teaching assistant to Prof. Wiegand and Prof. Emmenegger at the Department of Private Law and the Institute of Banking Law of the University of Berne. Since 2005, Dr. Zellweger-Gutknecht has regularly been acting as secretary to arbitral tribunals under the ICC rules of arbitration. In 2008, she was admitted to the Swiss bar. Parallely, she was a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, Switzerland and wrote a SNF sponsored commentary on set-off under the Swiss Code of Obligations. In 2010, she was appointed Lecturer at the Institute of Legal Sciences, University of Zurich where she has been working as a postdoc assistant to Prof. Ernst since 2010. From November 2011 to April 2012, she was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg.
Professor Pedro Fortes - 2011/12

A Law Professor at Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since 2008, Prof. Pedro Fortes holds a J.S.M. from Stanford Law School (08), a LL.M. from Harvard Law School (07), a Post-Graduate Certificate in Environmental Studies from COPPE-UFRJ (05), a BA in Business Administration from PUC-RIO (03), and a LL.B. from UFRJ (98). He has taught courses and conducted research on a wide range of topics, varying from complex litigation and legal theory to criminal procedure, constitutional law, and consumer protection. Prof. Fortes was a Visiting Professor at WB NUJS, Kolkata, India, where he conducted a course on comparative models of class action at the Monsoon Semester of 2009. Having published op-eds in Brazilian newspapers and academic articles in Brazil and India, his first two books on class actions are expected to be published in 2012: Tutela coletiva de direitos; A tutel a coletiva e os novos direitos (org).
At the ILF, Prof. Fortes focused his research on comparative law, business regulation, and interdisciplinary studies of law and economics. Having been selected to the IV IJFF, co-sponsored by Harvard and Stanford, Professor Fortes also discussed the same empirical research selected for the forum at the Goethe University during his period of residence.
Prof. Yuji Ito - 2010/11

Prof. Yuji Ito joined the faculty at Senshu University, Japan, as an associate professor of law in 2007 and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo. He specializes in Company, Commercial and Insurance Law and is a member of the Japanese Association of Private Law. Professor Ito spent the academic year 2010/11 as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Law and Finance. His research in Frankfurt focused on German Corporate Law, especially the action for injunction, and on Insurance Law. Professor Ito also published several articles in his field of research.
Prof. Yasue Takagi - 2009/10

Prof. Yasue Takagi joined the faculty at Kyushu International University, Japan, as an associate professor of law in 2006. She specializes in Company Law and Commercial Law and is a member of the Institute of Comparative Law in Japan, the Japan Association of Private Law and the Kyushu Law Association. Professor Takagi spent the academic year 2009/10 as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Law and Finance. Her research in Frankfurt focused on German Corporate Governance and its comparison with the respective rules for listed companies in Japan.