Archived Conferences / Guest Lectures

Transatlantic Legal Conference 2023 with DAJV (German-American Lawyers' Association)

After an involuntary hiatus of three years caused by the pandemic, the ILF and the DAJV are pleased to welcome the participants in person in Frankfurt…

11th ILF Conference on the Future of the Financial Sector: The Next Systemic Financial Crisis – Where Might it Come From?

On January 24, 2023 the ILF will be presenting the eleventh conference in our series on the future of the financial sector. The conference will ask…

ILF Symposium - Legal nature of a digital euro – between or beyond cash and scriptural money

In collaboration with the Deutsche Bundesbank, the ILF is organising a symposium on the digital euro.

ILF Guest Lecture - Dr. Joachim Glatter: International Arbitration in China

Dr. Glatter will be delivering an ILF Guest Lecture on "International Arbitration in China". Arbitration is an essential and frequently used method to…

9th Annual Conference on the Banking Union on 22 September 2022

This year's conference will focus on the environmental dimension of banking regulation and on the social and governance aspects of ESG.

The ILF Celebrates 20 Years of Excellence!

The Institute for Law and Finance of Goethe University celebrates its 20th anniversary this year with interesting guest lectures on current financial…

Capital Markets & Takeover Conference

Zusammen mit dem Deutschen Aktieninstitut freuen wir uns, Sie dieses Jahr wieder zu unserer Kapitalmarkt- und Übernahme-Konferenz einzuladen und mit…

3rd Digital Financial Services Forum

In co-operation with the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and the Center for Financial Studies, the Institute for Law and Finance invites you to join…

Conference on "Data, Digitalization, Decentralized Finance and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Future of Banking and Money"

On 18 January 2022, the ILF will be presenting the tenth conference in our series on the future of the financial sector, organized by Andreas Dombret…

ILF Conference - Diskussionsentwurf für ein Gesetz über die Restrukturierung ausländischer Staatsschulden

In ihren Wahlprogrammen haben sich fast alle im neuen Deutschen Bundestag vertretenen Parteien für die Schaffung eines Staateninsolvenzverfahrens…

8th Annual Conference on the Banking Union on 23 September 2021

In co-operation with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and the Center for Financial Studies (CFS), the Institute for Law and Finance…